In response to an age-related increase in deaths from chronic diseases, the CODE-YAA@PC-EDU project (COST Action CA22127) was born for integration and improvement of education and training in palliative care.
CODE-YAA@PC-EDU is an acronym for “COllaboratively DEveloped culturallY Appropriate and inclusive Assessment tool for Palliative Care EDUcation” aiming to set quality indicators for establishing a gold standard for high-quality palliative care education and training. By developing and employing CODE-YAA as a freely accessible, new culturally and ethically appropriate inclusive evidence-based self-assessment tool, CODE-YAA@PC-EDU will measure, explore and promote access to palliative care education in the Pan-European region, focusing on primary health care, which is considered the most sustainable and cost-effective model for palliative care delivery.
To participate in our CODE-YAA@PC-EDU project, please klick here for more information.