CODE-YAA@PC-EDU Kick-off Meeting at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg, Austria.
CODE-YAA@PC-EDU is a project that aims to promote high-quality education and training in Palliative Care. The project was conceived, developed, and is now officially established.
On January 30-31, 2024, the official Kick-off Meeting of our COST Action CODE-YAA@PC-EDU (CA22127) took place successfully at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg, Austria. The meeting brought together the project’s Core Group, the Management Committee, and the Working Groups.
The organizing team, led by Action Chair Prof Piret Paal, welcomed 56 participants (46 on-site, ten online) from 26 international countries. They introduced their expertise in the field of Palliative Care and contributed to a successful and productive meeting.
The beautiful city of Salzburg and the Paracelsus Medical University provided an excellent venue for networking, intense discussions, and social mingling. The participants got to know each other and exchanged ideas.
We sincerely thank everyone who helped and participated in implementing this extraordinary meeting and the CODE-YAA project. Our common goal is to significantly improve the quality of life of palliative care patients and their families.
#costcodeyaa #palliativecare